Attention Backyard Gardeners

So, at the end of growing season you’ve given out more peppers than possible and you’ve still got tons of tomatoes and pounds of potatoes.  Your friends are avoiding you because they claim their refrigerators can’t hold any more fresh  veggies. Your desk at work looks like a fresh vegetable  stand complete with paper bags. Now there’s a way to put your excess food to good use. Go to Ample Harvest and see if a local food bank is listed and can take your excess fresh veggies.

Ample Harvest was the brainchild of Garry Oppenheimer a backyard gardener from West Milford, NJ. In 2007 he had a bumper crop of fresh vegetables and gave away all he could, but still had some left over. After dropping his surplus off at a local food bank/battered woman’s shelter, he realized that they didn’t have any fresh food. So, he thought up Ample Harvest. If you’d like the complete story, go here to CNN.

Just goes to show the power of one person!

Published in: on 05/23/2010 at 3:07 pm  Leave a Comment  
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